Sunday, June 19, 2011

Get ready for Strawberries!!!

Welcome strawberry lovers! If that describes you, then you've come to the right place! I am pleased to announce the opening of the 2011 season! Weather permitting, of course, we will be opening up our u-pick operation and providing pre-picked pails starting Thursday, June 23.

With juicy, sweet strawberries just beginning to ripen, I can assure you that we should have a great crop this year. Remember, however, the season usually only lasts about 3 weeks, so don't procrastinate. Enjoy the fresh strawberries while they last!

Check out all of our sales sites in Menomonie, Hudson area, and Eau Claire! Remember, we may not be able to sell at every sales site every day, so it is wise to give our local hotline number a call after 9:30 AM.
(715) 235-9411 (Menomonie)
(715) 834-6699 (Eau Claire)
(651) 436-6143 (Hudson recording)

Again, we pick fresh berries each morning Monday through Saturday, weather dependent. All of our sales sites are operated on a first-come-first-serve basis. However, we will reserve pails at the field. Please call a day in advance, or before 8:00 AM if you wish to reserve pail(s) for pick-up later in the day.

If you wish to pick your own, we are open from 6:00 AM through 7:00 PM Monday though Saturday.

We hope to see you soon!